Chakra system the Seven main chakras.
In Reiki we work form the Crown Chakra down.
1 Crown (Sahasrara) position at the top of the head, the cerebral cortex, the function of this chakra is Awareness , Wisdom, Knowledge, Consciousness, spiritual connection, and universal identity (Knowledge of the self) self awareness. The body parts associated with this chakra are the Head, brain, and nervous system.
2 Third eye (Ajna) position is on the brow line between the actual eyes, the function of this chakra is Intuition, Imagination, Psychic perception, accurate interpretation, to see, Illumination. The body parts associated with the chakra are the eyes, forehead and pineal gland.
3 Throat (Visuddha) position in the bottom of the V just below the adam’s apple. the function of this chakra is clear communication, creativity, resonance. The body parts associated with this chakra are the shoulders, neck, throat, and mouth.
4 Heart (Anahata) position the heart, the function of this chakra is Love, acceptance, balance, good relationships, self acceptance, dissolution of ego. The body parts associated with this chakra are the Chest, lungs, diaphragm, shoulder blades,ribs. heart, and respiratory system.
5 Solar plexus (Manipura) position mid torso where the ribs begin to separate. the function of this chakra is Will power, vitality, purpose, self esteem, spontaneity, action. Body parts associated with this chakra are Mid Torso, side bodies, ribs, adrenal glands, belly, digestive organs.
6 Sacral (Svadhisthana) position just below the navel, the function of this chakra is Sexuality, emotions, pleasure, fluidity, feeling, the emotional identity. Body parts associated with this chakra are the Hips, sacrum, abdomen, sexual organs, inner thighs and knees.
7 Root (Muldahara) the position is the perineum, base of the spine. The function of this chakra is Survival, stability physical health, prosperity, trust, grounding. The body parts associated with this chakra are Legs, feet, bones, lower intestine.